
Showing posts from July, 2013


TO THE ANONYMOUS PERSON WHO SENT ME A RAMADAN LETTER DENIGRATING "MOST BLACK AMERICAN IMAMS" Even though I find it curious that the shortcomings you attribute to "most Black-American Imams" can only be attributed to us in your view , I state nonetheless that if you are a sincere Muslim and believe what you say, then pray for those of us whom you cite. Perhaps we'll meet your standards one day. If you are an enemy of Islam trying to sow the seeds of fitna (and I say that because your letter in form and content reminds me of those sent during the COINTELPRO era, including your use of a return address of another masjid -auuthu bil-laah), then may Allah humiliate and expose you. Oh btw, next time use spell check !


NEVER ENDING STORY After the Indictment of Trayvon  the Dead Victim And the Acquital of George Zimmerman, the Killer By Imam Al-Hajj Talib ‘Abdur-Rashid As long as white folk continue to deny the ongoing existence of racism And its impact on themselves, black folk, all people of color, and American life Racism will never be eradicated in America. As long as “good White folk” remain in denial as to their own implicit race bias And the enduring legacy of white supremacy on American policies and institutions, Injustice will remain ascendant in the land. As long as white folk, when confronted by the apparent ugly truths of racial injustice Are afraid to speak or act  with equity , but choose to uphold double standards And keep the flames of injustice burning, the soul of the nation decays. “If you Black, get back. If you’re White, you’re alright. If you’re Brown, stick around. If you’re yellow, it’s mellow.” As lon...